July 8th:

In a remarkable move towards safeguarding wildlife and promoting road safety, the Animal Roadkill Prevention Club (ARPC) has joined hands with a prominent driving school, the Southlake Driving School, to raise awareness and educate drivers about the importance of preventing animal roadkill. This unique collaboration aims to reduce animal accidents and create a safer environment for humans and wildlife.

These eye-catching posters feature striking images of local wildlife and carry powerful messages urging drivers to slow down, be alert, and stay vigilant to avoid collisions with animals. 

“We are thrilled to collaborate with the Southlake Driving School, making our roads safer for both humans and animals,” said Andrew Wanghan, the founder of the Animal Roadkill Prevention Club. 

We urge all to join hands in this crucial endeavor by spreading the message and adopting responsible driving habits to make our roads safer for everyone, humans and animals alike.

July 29th:

The Animal RoadSafety Solutions LLC, a trailblazing startup focused on creating innovative road safety measures for wildlife, is taking a giant leap forward in its entrepreneurial journey. The company has been selected to participate in the prestigious Entrepreneurship Program at Southlake Tutoring Academy. This exciting collaboration promises to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions to mitigate wildlife-vehicle collisions and safeguard our precious fauna.

ARS has been actively working on an innovative range of products, including advanced wildlife detection systems, wildlife-friendly road designs, and data-driven analytics to identify high-risk areas for potential collisions. Their participation in the Entrepreneurship Program will allow them to validate their ideas, test prototypes, and gather valuable feedback from industry veterans and potential investors.

We’re also so glad to meet people like Ryan Wilson, Andrew Yeager, Cameron Bryan, and Lane Ledbetter. They gave us such wonderful advice and told us to keep going. We will take their advice to heart and continue expanding and growing our community!